
Euroskopia - Cyprus a Slovinsko

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A keďže som so známych dôvodov prácu na tejto relácii ukončil, bola by škoda, aby ste sa o zaujímavostiach z Európy nedozvedeli. Tentoraz to bude o čistote a o včelách.

Na Cypre o čistote

 To, že čistota je pol života, vedeli už naše prababky. Ale že by z čistiacej techniky malo byť celé priemyselné odvetvie im iste ani na rozum neprišlo. Tiež ale vtedy nemali šancu vidieť obrovské haly letísk, či super-marketov, ktoré tiež treba každodenne čistiť. A tak má už aj čistiaca technika svoj veľtrh novej techniky a technológií. Tretí májový týždeň sa o tom budú presviedčať odborníci i laická verejnosť v areáli Kultúrnej nadácie Cyperskej banky v Nikózii. Prednášať im budú aj slávne kapacity z MIT zo Spojených štátov. Veď aj vďaka takýmto vedeckým inováciám dnes môžete vidieť na Teryho chate vo Vysokých Tatrách bezodpadový a bezodtokový pisoár. Naše prababky by mali nad čím krútiť hlavou.

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V Slovinsku o včelách

On the initiative of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dejan Židan, and the president of the Slovenian Beekeeping Association, Boštjan Noč, from 16 to 25 April inclusive the National Assembly is hosting an interactive exhibition on beekeeping in Slovenia, in connection with 20 May, World Bee Day

The exhibition is in honour of the marking of the first World Bee Day, and offers visitors an introduction to the main features of Slovenian beekeeping. This pursuit has a very long tradition in Slovenia and a rich cultural heritage. Visitors can view the practices of beekeeping from the past and present day, and to aid in understanding there are also displays of equipment and accessories that beekeepers use in their work.

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Slovenian beekeepers are especially proud of their native bee species, the Carniolan Grey, which occupies a special place in the exhibition. On display are fascinating features of the lives of bees, and in particular their importance for our own life. Bees play an important role in nature – pollination – which enables biodiversity, and this has great significance in the production of food for humans and animals.

In Slovenia both Kraški med (Karst Honey) and Kočevski gozdni med (Kočevsko Forest Honey) have protected designation of origin, and Slovenian honey has protected geographical indication, on the European Union level. Honeys are presented together with other bee products such as pollen, propolis, royal jelly and wax, and some items made from bee products are also displayed.

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The exhibition also offers a display of top award-winning bee-related photographs, which illustrate the everyday life of bees, and a small part of the exhibition is intended to familiarise visitors with older and modern recent beekeeping literature. Screenings of beekeeping films also feature as part of the exhibition.

The main part of the exhibition showcases various activities and efforts towards the declaration of 20 May – which is also the birthday of the great figure in Slovenian beekeeping, Anton Janša.

Aj vozíčkári môžu včeláriť

The grand opening of the first handicap-accessible educational beehive

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Pre handicapovaných včelárov
Pre handicapovaných včelárov (zdroj: S povolením Slovenia Weekly)

This is the first beehive in the world accessible to disabled people in wheelchairs. Photo: MKGP

Dejan Židan, the minister of agriculture, attended the grand opening of the first handicap-accessible educational beehive on Wednesday. The beehive was donated by the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association, the Municipality of Murska Sobota provided the necessary equipment, and the event was organised by the Slovenian Paraplegic Association and the Association of Paraplegics of Prekmurje and Prlekija.

At the beehive’s grand opening Minister Židan emphasised that this was the first beehive in the world accessible to disabled people in wheelchairs. He pointed out that the grand opening coincided with the 10th anniversary of the Slovenian ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which, as Židan said, reminds us that public places and public goods should be as accessible to disabled people as they are to everyone else.

This beehive is a typical Slovenian beehive that has been modified so that a disabled person in a wheelchair can work with the hives. The interior of the beehive is large enough for the work of two disabled people in wheelchairs and a mentor. The entry to the beehive is a wheelchair ramp, protected by a handrail. The threshold is lower than normally and is thus not an issue. The hives are arranged 70cm off the ground in one row, which makes it possible for people in wheelchairs to access and work with the hives. There is ample space within reach above and below the hives to put items down and carry on working smoothly. The beehive is very light, as there are large windows on both sides of it. The placement of the shelves, cupboards, and door and window handles is adjusted to be accessible from a sitting position.

In other news, the whole world will celebrate the first World Bee Day in less than a month. On 20 December last year, the United Nations General Assembly in New York unanimously adopted the decision to proclaim 20 May World Bee Day. This is the result of a successful collaboration between the Slovenian Beekeepers' Association as the initiator and the Republic of Slovenia, and is one of Slovenia’s most prominent diplomatic successes.

Gustáv Murín

Gustáv Murín

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